Walsrode, Niedersachsen

07.07. – 13.07.2024

Organizer: Wildfang e.V. in cooperation with LateBirds@JFKS

In this camp you can experience exciting activities and meet kids from all over the world
Whether it’s kayaking, jumping on a water trampoline, building rafts, climbing or building a fire – in this camp kids and adolescents from all over the world come together. The International Outdoorcamp is situated in the Lüneburger Heide. On a huge areal countless activities are planned, almost all of which are taking place outside. Every day you can chose from various workshops and activities. This camp is a perfect place to put away the smartphone for some time and to have a lot of fun in nature.

Rope Course
Raft Building
Survival Techniques

A typical day in camp:

7.00 For early birds: early morning exercise or swimming in the lake
8.00 Breakfast
8.45 Morning meeting
9.00 Workshops / activities of your choice
10.30 Workshops / activities of your choice
12.00 Lunch
12.45 Siesta and phone time
13.45 Workshops / activities of your choice
15.45 Afternoon snack
16.15 Workshops / activities of your choice
18.00 Dinner
18.45 Evening meeting
19.30 Evening activities
21.00 Bedtime

In this camp phones can only be used during the siesta time at midday.

Our accommodation

Our outdoor camp is located directly in Lüneburger Heide. 5 to 6 kids are living in one tent. Modern sanitary facilities are close by. Catering is provided by the local professionals. The menus are freshly made. Drinks and fruits are available the whole day. There are warm meals for lunch and dinner. Salads are also available.

Our services

  • sensitive Wildfang care with a transparent, structured daily routine
  • balanced, creative program offering action, relaxation and workshops. Participants influence their daily program.
  • information event before the camp
  • modern bus from/to Berlin, trained caretakers are present in the bus
  • personal caretaker for every kid
  • one caretaker is responsible for 6 kids at most, one-to-one caretaking is available for an additional charge
  • pocket money service
  • medication service
  • accommodation in spacious tents
  • full board (3 meals + vitamin snacks), drinks all day
  • group liability insurance


For this trip a sleeping bag (at least up to -3 degrees Celsius) and a camping mat (at least 3 cm thick) are necessary.

Booking and prerequisites for attending

We offer this summer camp in cooperation with the Late Birds from John-F.-Kennedy school.
Minimum number of participants: 20

Questions and contact

If you have questions regarding the camp, feel free to contact us.